The Romano-Brittish Town: "Colonia Draconis"
The signs on the fence give information about ancient Roman and Celt cultures
organized into the "Top Ten Myths" about each culture.


The Roman Legionary Camp and Pilum-Throwing Range


Rome's finest citizens turn out to train as auxiliaries.


Not all train in throwing, though many try on the Legionnaire's uniform.


The Big Battle:
Wherein Rome Struggles to Keep the Peace in the Provinces


Two drunk barbarians decide to prove their virtue in a javelin throwing contest. . .


. . . a dispute over the outcome turns to harsh language, and a sword is drawn. . .


. . . things go poorly for the younger Celt. Very poorly. He is slain . . .


. . . when his clansmen arrive to find his body, they are shocked and insulted. . .


. . . it is war between the Clans! Fortunately, a local Roman patrol hears of the unrest. . .


. . . the patrol moves in, separating the brawling barbarians. The Tribune addresses the crowd. . .


. . . he reminds the clans that their differences are meaningless.
They are all Rome's property now.

This does not go over well . . .


. . . in a flash, the clans are united against the Romans and full-scale battle breaks out . . .


. . . though their bravery would honor any Roman, the Legionnaires are hopelessly outnumbered. . .


. . . fighting to the last, the Tribune cries defiantly, but is rushed and stabbed in the back. . .


. . . not satisfied with just victory, the barbarians use the Tribune's own sword to take a grisly prize.


The crowd eats it up!
The composite photo (bottom right) shows one of the
many people doubled over laughing at the end of the show.



Pictured: Vexillations from Legio X Fretensis and Legio VI Ferrata Fidelas
as well as
the Texas Coritani.
(Not pictured: Legio VIII Augusta--but very appreciated!)